E.M.A.P.A is an acronym for Engine Monitors and Performance Accessories. E.M.A.P.A. was started because of the very poor discounts that where extended to our other company, Blue Skies Aviation by a very large and well known competitor.
Unlike our competition, E.M.A.P.A. is able to answer most questions about the majority of the products we sell and in a lot of cases we can also offer installation advise. This is because we have either installed or used the majority of the products sold on www.emapa.aero, making us knowledgeable about these products. Our competition has gotten so big that they are not able to do this. We make sure our prices are usually less than our competition. Unless our vendors have a minimum advertised price, ours prices will be less.
Get the resources that you need at the best prices possible at our online store EMAPA, Aircraft Engine Monitors and Performance Accessories www.Emapa.aero